BF TO WOMAN, LDA, hereinafter simply referred to as BF TO WOMAN, preserve and values highlythe relationship with its customers, associates, system users and otherbusiness partners, hereinafter also defined as users or PARTNERS, respectingabove all their legal terms.

Allpersonal information collected from them is for the exclusive benefit of thecommercial relationship between the parts.

Our privacypolicy describes the personal information that we may collect, the purposes ofsuch collection, how we use the information, and when we may share it withthird parts. The policy also describes the user's choices about how to collect,use and disclose your personal information. BF TO WOMAN only collects, uses ordiscloses your personal information, where provided voluntarily, and inaccordance with this Policy.

By usingour websites, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this Policy.If our Policy changes in the future, we will notify our PARTNERS, customers andusers of the websites of any changes, through the best possible electronic orphysical communication, by placing an updated policy on our websites and othercommunications, whenever possible.

Followingthe placement of these changes, the continued use of the website by the user orPARTNER represents the acceptance of these changes and the link to them.

We reservethe right to update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will note anychanges to it on our website as well as through a communication to theindicated means of contact. Continued use of our website, applications,services and features offered after such communication will have value, andwill be deemed as, your agreement to such changes. The user or PARTNER isresponsible for regularly consulting this Policy and its amendments.

Our PrivacyPolicy

1. Whatkind of information can we collect on our systems and websites?

We maycollect personal information when the user or PARTNER saves or otherwiseprovides us with personal information when he or she communicates with us bytelephone, email, or otherwise, and also completes a contest entry form,loyalty card, promotion or study, either online or physically in one of ourstores in Portugal or other countries, or with any of our PARTNERS, agents,representatives or sellers.

The user orPARTNER can always provide us in his / her own discretion and will: personal information,such as his name, date of birth, email, address and phone numbers, informationon product preferences and financial information and, in certain cases, theirindividual opinions and preferences.

Our currentwebsites are WWW.CUBANAS.COM, WWW.MADEIN-SHOPS.COM,, whichmay not be limited in the future and this unique list. These sites, like otherBF TO WOMAN systems, are aimed at adults. We do not knowingly collect personalinformation from minors. As legal guardian, do not allow your children /children to send personal information without your permission. Therefore,anyone who is of legal age not classified as an adult can not and should notuse our systems and websites as we do not collect information from minors.

For whatpurposes do we collect information?

a)Submissions: we may use the information provided by users or PARTNERS forshipments of goods, products, materials, promotion information, businessopportunities, among other types of documents, goods, materials or productsrelated to the business relationships we have.

b)Research: to know the preferences and possible needs of users and PARTNERS,including BF TO WOMAN not limited to carrying out marketing and performance surveys tohelp us analyze our customer service, evaluate our performance and improve ourshopping experiences and product offerings.

c)Opportunities: Through the information provided by users and PARTNERS, we canoffer opportunities to purchase, sell, trade and negotiate products,merchandise and services related to our business and our areas of operation,including BF TO WOMAN not limited to campaigns marketing, loyalty programs,punctuation, advertising and promotional campaigns, as well as variouspartners.

Important:always respecting the privacy and the legislation, at any time the user orPARTNER, can choose not to continue receiving this type of information and notcontinue to be part of our database of businesses, through one of our channels,below.

2. Does BF TO WOMAN share the information of PARTNERS with third parties?

Yes. Eventually,always from the needs of the business, we may share your personal informationwith trusted third parties who help us manage our site, providing services toour clients, so that they can communicate properly and with due comfort, withthe user or PARTNER (by e-mail, mail or otherwise) and to provide you with anyadditional materials and information on goods, products, services, contests,promotions and special opportunities that may be of interest, or collecting andusing these information and for other purposes contemplated in this Policy.

BF TO WOMAN doesnot sell or share any information of Customers, Users and PARTNERS, except aspermitted by law or to any BF TO WOMAN affiliate or related. However, in the event ofthe sale of all or a substantial part of our business or other similartransaction, we may transfer or disclose personal information to a buyer orpotential buyer who may collect, use and disclose such information for thepurpose of evaluating the proposed transaction or conduct and manage thebusiness activities acquired, or for other purposes identified in this Policy.

Eventually,always considering the business needs, we may transfer personal information tounaffiliated third parts for processing, BF TO WOMAN always under the agreements thatprohibit these third parts from using or disclosing personal information,excluding the need for processing and appropriate security measures thesensitivity of information.

Whenevernecessary, BF TO WOMAN reserves the right to disclose the personal information of theuser or PARTNER, as required by law, in response to requests for legal processand law enforcement, and to the extent necessary to protect ownership,interests and rights of BF TO WOMAN itself and its affiliates and business PARTNERS.

Our sitesand systems may contain links to third part websites and these websites maycollect personal information from you or PARTNER. Therefore, it is important toconsider that this Policy does not apply to the practices of third parts andBF TO WOMAN does not assume any responsibility, if by using our website and / or accessinga website of a third part from our website, the user or PARTNER completelyreleases BF TO WOMAN from any responsibility for the actions, practices and also forthe eventual omissions of third parts. BF TO WOMAN strongly recommends that the user consultthe privacy policy of each website that visits, whether this is a normal visit,is a visit through an information transport link or a transfer of processing.

3. How canthe user or PARTNER choose and decide on the reception of communications?

BF TO WOMAN wantsto communicate with its users and PARTNERS, only and only if they so wish fortheir free, spontaneous and sovereign will. At any time, the user or PARTNERcan choose not to receive our communications or else, you can even decide thatBF TO WOMAN no longer uses your personal information. In this case, we are gratefulthat the user or PARTNER notifies us via, and any suchrequest may take up to 2 (two) weeks to process, during which time the user orPARTNER , you may continue to receive communications from us.

4. What arecookies and how does BF TO WOMAN use cookies on your sites and systems?

Cookies aresmall data files transferred from websites to your computer's hard drive,tablet, mobile phone, or other user's or PARTNER's hardware.

These fileskeep track of user preferences or PARTNER by improving your subsequent visitsto BF TO WOMAN websites, making them more dynamic.

Cookies canstore a variety of information, including the number of times a website isaccessed, registration information, and the number of times a particular pageor other item is displayed on the website. Since a cookie by itself does notpersonally identify any user / visitor.

The use ofcookies is a common practice adopted by most websites as a way to better servetheir customers and most browser programs are designed to accept cookies BF TO WOMANcan be easily changed to block cookies; the user or PARTNER should consult thehelp files of your browser to learn how to block cookies, know when to receivecookies, and disable cookies altogether. However, without cookies some of thefunctions of the website are not available, and you lose some of the benefitsof the website.

BF TO WOMAN may atits discretion use cookies to determine user preferences and activities on itswebsites.

5. How canyou or your PARTNER access or change your personal information, withdrawconsent, or raise questions or complaints regarding this Policy and BF TO WOMAN'sprivacy practices?

BF TO WOMAN alwaysmakes sure that the information it collects physically, personally or throughits sites, systems, affiliates, agents and associates, is as accurate, completeand up-to-date as necessary for the practical purposes for which it is to beused.

The user orPARTNER has the right to request access, correction and deletion of thepersonal information we collect whenever he so desires. In order to make thisrequest, or if you wish to put any questions or complaints regarding thisPolicy, you should contact our Privacy Officer by writing to:

Customer Service - RGPD

NIF: 516247336

If you or the PARTNER has consented to the collection, use and/ordisclosure of your personal information identified herein, you may alsowithdraw your consent at any time by contacting our privacy officer above.

It is already reported that the user or PARTNER has the right to submita complaint to the competent data protection authority. In Portugal, thisauthority is the National Data Protection Commission ("CNPD"). Moreinformation on the CNPD can be obtained through the website

6. How long are the collected personal information stored?

BF TO WOMAN reserves the right not to use any information, or to use them at itsdiscretion and always respecting the purposes for which it is proposed. In thisregard, we maintain personal information only and only for the time requiredfor the purposes described in this Policy or for a longer period of time thanmay be required by applicable law.

7. How does BF TO WOMAN proceed with the security of personal informationcollected?

Through its technical team, BF TO WOMAN has developed and adopted appropriatemeasures and safeguards to ensure the confidentiality of personal informationand to safeguard this information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorizedaccess, disclosure, copying, use or alteration, taking into account, amongother things, the sensitivity of the information and the effects for which itwill be used. In addition, each BF TO WOMAN officer, agent or agent must comply withthis Policy.

8. In addition to the above email address, how can you or your PARTNERcontact BF TO WOMAN for any clarifications, information or requests?

Yes. Also, at any time, in the legal terms in force, the user or PARTNERcan request the consultation of their data, changes, corrections or even theprompt deletion of the database of BF TO WOMAN, at the address below.

BF TO WOMAN, at its discretion and in order to protect itself, as well assafeguard the interests of the users or PARTNERS, request more data andinformation regarding the requests that they receive, either electronically, inperson or physically.


A/C Apoio Cliente – RGPD

Rua Dr. Professor Antonio Luciano Pacheco Souza Franco
Nº 11 Loja 4
Postal Code: 1885-092
City: Lisboa
Country: Portugal
Contact: +351 210523500 / +351 910603929